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Let’s start with introductions, shall we? My name is Melissa Van Doren. I am the owner of this promising new company, called MaeVan. Welcome! My goal here at MaeVan is to inspire girls to be completely themselves, and to provide clothing that reflects their values and style. I thought I’d lead with the heart of who we are. We are a blog to encourage you along the journey into womanhood and a clothing brand to celebrate being your naturally beautiful self!

We Believe IN





The purpose of MaeVan is to equip you with the truth you need to overcome your fears and to convince you that you were made on purpose and with a purpose! You were intentionally designed from the inside out. Your dreams are not only worth pursuing, but were put there and anointed by God! You are a warrior and you’ve got a lot of adventures waiting for les-go!


I’m not sure if you know this but there is an enemy out there who doesn’t want you to succeed. He doesn’t want you to get out of bed and feel beautiful like you are and conquer the day. He wants you to believe life is too hard, you are without abilities and talents to offer the world, and that your dreams are too far “out there” to ever come true. He stops you from pursuing your dreams by exaggerating your imperfections and equating that to self worth. He knows how to use your insecurities against you because he knows how powerful you can be, and how powerless he really is. He wants you to care about others' opinions over God’s. He wants you to be afraid of people and what they think, because he is terrified of unity and healthy relationships. Why? Because we are more powerful together! He wants this fear to hold you in place and for you to never experience all the wonders God has prepared for you.


Let's call him out on his B.S, shall we?!


As young women, we feel every decision, we are emotional beings, which makes life difficult when we contemplate the meaning of life on a daily basis! The choices we make now will set the course for the rest of our lives. We are growing up. We are discovering who we are; and that is the most complicated, confusing, and scariest time. With everything going on it’s easy to lose sight of our dreams and to get lost along the way.


How do you know what path is right for you? How do you reach your full potential? What is your purpose, calling, passion? What are you here for? Who do you date? How do you stop obsessing over your imperfections? How do you love yourself, just as you are? How do you stop living by your feelings and start living by the Truth? How do you face your fears and answer the calling on your life?


I know right? Bleh! I’ve asked myself these questions many a time, with no avail, left frustrated and searching for solace in a tub of icecream. Needless to say, I understand what you’re going through. I don't have it all figured out, and probably never will; but I will share my journey of how God’s helping me discover who I’m meant to be. So before you reach for that comfort food like I did, have some girl time with me. My hope is that MaeVan will serve as a platform for healing, and will encourage and empower you to confidently be the woman God created you to be.


The process of healing isn't easy nor does it happen overnight, but it does happen! Healing begins from the inside out. We must acknowledge what is broken, seek the truth, and apply it to our lives. It is a partnership with God, He ultimately heals us but we must engage and facilitate the process with Him.


Together we can reinvent the way you think about yourself. You can learn to love yourself, just as you are. Let's break the chains that are holding us back from what we crave out of life! Let's live a life of adventure and forget what we've always thought about ourselves. Let’s defy society’s definition of beauty and worth, and fully embrace who we are! I will speak from my heart, share my struggles and victories, and heal alongside all of you.






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